Service Philosophy

Getting it right the first time is the cornerstone of the Hardwyre code of conduct. Whether its installation of a new firewall, troubleshooting an e-mail glitch, or simply recommending the right technology solution, we take pride in doing the job right. Quality of service starts at the first point of contact with the client and continues throughout the relationship.

When Hardwyre consults on technology issues such as network upgrade, system design, security, or multi-platform integration, we structure our recommendations based upon three principles:

  1. Availability: A technological resource is of no value if it is unable to function properly on-demand. All solutions Hardwyre recommends have the single overriding goal of maximum system availability for all authorized users.
  2. Performance: Once system availability is maximized, its performance should be the next controlling principle. Performance is measured in more than speed. Ease of use, resource efficiency, and broad functionality are all as important as how fast a given asset fulfills its role in the network system.
  3. Scalability: It is important that any system be malleable to meet changing business requirements. These includes growth, change in business direction, and the ability to absorb foreseeable technological advances that will benefit the overall operation of the company.

By applying the above principles to all of our recommendations we are able to provide cost-effective solutions tailored to specific client needs.